Friday 23 November 2012

Research and Planning: Shot Listing

We shot listed so that we were prepared for filming on the weekend. We shot listed where each shot would be filmed and at what time.

Friday 16 November 2012

Research and Planning: Mad Max 2

In our lesson we had shots from a film clip called Mad Max 2 which we had to put in order. After we put them into chronological order, we watched the clip and we only had a couple of shots in the wrong place.
We then reflected on the process we went through to put them in order.
The class was then split into 2 groups, one group was going to work on expanding time and one would work on shrinking time. My group was working on expanding time, we decided we would do this by adding more shots, more detail to create tension. Below are some of the shots we decided that we would add into the clip. Also there are some notes in the reflection box above.