Thursday 13 September 2012

Research and Planning: Branding and Marketing

In class we looked at how we can brand. Our first task was to brand a 'jaffa cake' or you could say we had to re-brand it as it is already a known product. We found this quite difficult as we already had a name to fit the image beacuse it has been previously marketed. We named it Chocollo as we changed it into a marshmallow and chocolate biscuit/cake, we only had to use the image not what it contained. We then thought about how and where it could be marketed. It could be shown on TV, in magazines, on sandwich boards and social networking sites.

When then brainstormed ideas on how to brand an artist and we realised that it would be easier to re-brand an artist. The reason for this is beacuse they come with a known name, representation and audience.
We looked at the artist Ed Sheeran as he is a new artist and we looked at how he is being marketed. He has good voice but his label company don't think that his image is very appealing. This is the first music video they created for him:

In this music video Ed Sheeran is shown to the bare minimum, they only show close ups of his feet and his hands playing the guitar, this creates enigma as to who the artist is. The music label have used an actor who signs out the lyrics to the song and only show glances of Ed Sheeran. It is filmed in black and white which keeps the details about him very low and we don't find out much about him.

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