Sunday 28 October 2012

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Research and Planning: Chosen Actress

We have chosen Jade Newman to be the actress for our music video:

We feel she fits the character that we need her to play well and she has a innocent, sweet look.

Friday 12 October 2012

Research and Planning: Types Of Music Videos

We looked at a quote by Firth (1998) :

There are 3 different types of music videos: performance, narrative and concept. 
We then looked at a quote by Steve Archer - Narrative and Performance (2004) :
We then got into groups and we were given one type of music video to research. My group were given concept. We needed to find at least 5 examples for this type of music video. These are the 6 we found:
In our next lesson we are going to pick one video and write a short piece of textual analysis for it.

Research and Planning: Presenting Our Music Video

We created a 5 minute presentation about our music video. This included details about our concept, our locations, actors and costume/props. We created a powerpoint to help us to explain our idea to the rest of the class:

Research and Planning: Possible Locations

We have been looking at possible locations for our music video. We looked into the conventions by looking at similar artists and we found that most pop/acoustic videos are out in the open, in fields. We also want to film in natural environments as the song is about being "free". Here are some possible locations:



Research and Planning: Camera shots

We were thinking about different shots that we could use in our music video to keep the audience interested. We might use over exposed shots as they don't show detail which makes you want to see more. 


Monday 8 October 2012

Research and Planning: Creativity and Inventions

In todays lesson we looked at a quote about deadlines which relates to our blogs:

We were then given a task to create 25 inventions that can help us in anyway in life and we were given a deadline time of 20 minutes. In our group we manged to create 25 inventions before the time was up although they weren't all amazing ideas, they were still ideas.

We then picked 5 ideas that we felt were the best and discussed them with the rest of the class. We went through everyones top 5 choices and we ended up choosing 2 top class ideas. Then Mr Lucas showed us a quote which he had created:

This can apply to our blogs as we shouldn't feel restricted to posting ideas because we feel they aren't "right". There is no right or wrong when posting ideas. We should post all of our ideas even though we may not use them and we could find "the idea" among them.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Research and Planning: Costume and Props

We were discussing what props and what kind of costume we would use in our music video, here are some of our ideas:

  • Daisy
  • Hand held fan
  • Diary
  • Wagasa (Japanese fan)
  • Dresses
  • Necklaces
  • Bracelets

Research and Planning: Creating Voyeurism

In our next lesson we discussed shots that we felt were voyeuristic. We thought that tracking and pan shots are the best for voyeurism as they give the sense of following and "perving". Also we felt that close up shots are much better than long or medium shots as they focus on the "female or male" rather than distracting you with the background view.

We created a story board of some voyeuristic shots:

We also took some snap shots:

Friday 5 October 2012

Research and Planning: Voyeurism

In class we looked at a music video called Heatwave by Wiley Featuring Ms.D:

We then mind mapped our views and ideas on the video:

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We then looked at a quote about voyeurism:
"There is frequently reference to the notion of looking (mirrors, screens within screens, stages etc.) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body" - Andrew Goodwin (Dancing in the Distraction Factory 1992)

We thought of some shots that are voyeuristic:
  • Close ups
  • Point of view
  • Pan
  • Tracking

Research and Planning: Creativity Vs Knowledge

"The more you know how to do something the less creative you become" Agree or Disagree ?

In lesson we discussed the above statement and whether we agreed or disagreed on it. Before the discussion some of us were confused and most of us said we agree and disagree.
I agreed with the statement at first as I felt that the less you know the less rules there are. I think that without rules you can think more widely. However, during the discussion I was swayed more to disagreeing as I slightly agreed that having more knowledge can increase creativity.

We also looked at originality and if it still exists today. We as a class felt that we are influenced by things we've seen around us in the environment and through the media. Everyone tends to put their on twist on it and it becomes original but is it original if it has been taken from others ideas ?

Research and Planning: Lyrics Deconstruction

We deconstructed the lyrics to be able to understand the song and its meaning.



Wednesday 3 October 2012

Research and Planning: Similar Video

We were looking at similar artists to Carly Jo Jackson and we found Colbie Caillat and her song 'Bubbly'. She is also a pop/acoustic singer and sings in a simliar way to Carly Jo Jackson. In this music video there are scenes of her in a field with a sunset which gives a country feel but is a convention of pop/acoustic music videos. We we're thinking to use a field and sunset in our music video as it fits with the conventions and would give a nice feel to the song.

Monday 1 October 2012

Research and Planning: Bedouin Soundclash

In class we were given an existing band Bedouin Soundclash and we had to think about how we could brand and market them. This is what we were given to help us:

Here are some of the ideas we came up with:

Planning and Research: "Wildflower" Lyrics by Carly Jo Jackson

"Wildflower" Lyrics by Carly Jo Jackson

I’ve never felt this way before
Don’t wanna feel it anymore
I’ve got nothing left to prove
Nothing to prove to you

Getting faces on the floor
Right where you chose to close the door
Guess my luck has fallen through

But I’m a wildflower
Waiting on my sun shower
To wash away all of the pain
And give me strength

Like a daisy in a field of roses
I’m amazed that no one ever noticed

I’m a wildflower x2

One day when we get a little older you’ll say I wish I'd known her

Cuz I'm a wildflower
I’m a wildflower x2

I swear I have a heart of gold
My colours are so bright and bold
I guess this world is just too cold

Have you ever felt this way before?
The one you want
You love them more

But nothings ever sure

But I’m a wildflower
Waiting on my sun shower
To wash away all of the pain
And give me strength

Like a daisy in a field of roses
I’m amazed that no one ever noticed

I’m a wildflower x2

One day when we get a little older you’ll say I wish I'd known her

Cuz I'm a wildflower
I’m a wildflower x2

Just as I begin to fly
You make me fall but I'll survive

Like a daisy in a field of roses
I’m amazed that no one ever noticed

I’m a wildflower x2

One day when we get a little older you’ll say I wish I'd known her

Cuz I'm a wildflower
I’m a wildflower x2

I’ve never felt this way before
Don’t wanna feel it anymore
I’ve got nothing left to prove
Nothing to prove to you