Friday 5 October 2012

Research and Planning: Creativity Vs Knowledge

"The more you know how to do something the less creative you become" Agree or Disagree ?

In lesson we discussed the above statement and whether we agreed or disagreed on it. Before the discussion some of us were confused and most of us said we agree and disagree.
I agreed with the statement at first as I felt that the less you know the less rules there are. I think that without rules you can think more widely. However, during the discussion I was swayed more to disagreeing as I slightly agreed that having more knowledge can increase creativity.

We also looked at originality and if it still exists today. We as a class felt that we are influenced by things we've seen around us in the environment and through the media. Everyone tends to put their on twist on it and it becomes original but is it original if it has been taken from others ideas ?

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