Friday 15 February 2013

Ancillary Task - Final Digi Pack For Wildflower

This is NOT the official album cover for "Wildflower" by Carly Jo Jackson; it is part of my A2 Media Coursework.
Front Cover
Front Inside Cover
Back Inside Cover
Back Cover

This is the finished digi pack for Wildflower and below is the finished magazine advert. We tried our best to make sure that both ancillaries met the codes and conventions of our genre; Acoustic/Pop. We wanted to show femininity, independence and power through our digi pack and magazine advert. The reason we used this typography is because it was a handwritten style which showed elegance and femininity. After testing many images we used this one because we felt it went with the codes and conventions as they tend to be close up pictures. Also it showed the power and independence in her face. We used a vine on both ancillaries to show the natural side of our music video. The colour of the typography, the digi pack and the magazine advert are all very similar to show the connection between them.

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