Thursday, 14 February 2013

Evaluation - Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Our music video was very bright and colourful, so to create a link between the main product and ancillary texts it was important that the ancillary texts where also bright. The colours that we decided to use were pink and purple; it was a mixture of both. We felt that these colours represent femininity; to show the strength of a woman. We decided we wanted a feminine but strong style which is why we chose Vladimir Script as the typography for both ancillaries.
The image on the front cover is a close up of the actresses face; the reason we decided to do a close up was because we researched similar artists front covers and they also had close ups of the artists. Although it would have been ideal if it was slightly further away from her face so that we could see the background; her face shows her strength and power. The strong sunlight which is hitting her face connects it to the video as in most of the shots; the sunlight is on her face.
We wanted to keep the front inside cover and the back inside cover quite simple. To create a connection between the inside, the front and the video, we kept the background a pinky, purple and they have a vine going down the side. The vine represents that natural side of our music video and the pinky, purple colour matches with the colour of the writing on the front cover.
We also wanted to keep the back cover simple. We maintained the same colour and the vine going down along the side. We also had the required information at the bottom, along with a barcode and the Carly Jo Jackson logo next to it. We also had the list of songs in the same colour as the front cover font.  The CD had the same colour theme and also had the vine going along the side. We placed ‘Wildflower’ around the middle circle bit on the CD to remind the importance of the song. These things all connect the album together; the colour and the vine.
We also had to consider the typography for the ancillaries. We researched many different typography’s as we wanted to find the correct one; the one that showed femininity, power and independence. After having researched different typography’s we realised that most similar artists have a very feminine typography but also show strength so not too feminine. The style of typography that we chose was Vladimir Script, it is quite feminine but we felt that it also showed independence. Also some of Carly Jo Jackson’s previous covers were very feminine so we decided to do something similar.
We also had to create a magazine advert. Our magazine advert was very similar to the front cover of the album; the reason for this was to show the connection between the album, music video and magazine advert. We used the same colours and same typography from the album cover for the magazine advert. We also used the vine on the magazine advert, again to show the connection. The same image was used from the album cover and extra information about the album was included on the magazine advert. Information such as when the album is being released, ratings from newspapers and magazines and also contact references such as Twitter and Reverbnation. We wanted to keep the information on the magazine advert to a minimum as too much can put people off.

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